Reasons To Take Dance Classes During The School Year

Extracurricular activities are an important part of a child’s upbringing. As they grow, children begin to show an interest in recreational activities, such as art, music, and sports. As parents, it is important that we allow our children the opportunity to explore their interests at a young age so they can discover their passions and live a meaningful life. At Miss Colleen’s Elite Dancentre, we believe that nothing is more important than our students’ growth, which is why we offer a range of dance classes year-round. Sign your child up for a ballet class, hip hop class, or any of our other dance programs in Rockville Centre, and read on for some benefits of taking dance lessons during the school year.
Physical Activity
Elementary-age children are eager to move their bodies. While your child will have several breaks to play during lunch, recess, and physical education, odds are they’ll have lots of pent-up energy when they get home from a long day at school. When you sign your child up for after-school dance classes, they’ll get to burn off that extra energy in a creative way that allows them to learn, grow, and fine-tune their motor movements (i.e. coordination, balance, grace, etc.). Dance is just as much of a workout as other sports, so your little one is sure to be tuckered out when you pick them up from our dance school after class!
Emotional Well-Being
Young children, especially toddlers, are known to throw tantrums when they are emotionally spent. School takes a lot out of children, as they are constantly soaking up information about the world around them. After a long day of classroom learning and socializing with other kids, your child will likely need some time to decompress. Dance is a great way for children to nurture their emotional health, as it allows them to get out any frustrations or stress they’ve experienced while at school. It’s a chance for them to be in tune with their own mind and body as they move to music in a creative, expressive way.
In school and in life, your child will be faced with lots of challenges. From learning how to read and do basic math to resolving conflicts, there will always be obstacles that require perseverance to overcome. Like any sport, dance teaches children perseverance, as they learn challenging dance moves and choreography. In dance class, your child will learn to never give up, even if they feel like a certain move is impossible or they have a hard time keeping up with other students. Perseverance is an important skill to learn in life, and the earlier they learn to persist in the face of adversity, the better.
Above all else, dance lessons allow students to explore their creative side outside of school. Sure, your little one will come home with lots of fun projects they’ve completed at school, like macaroni necklaces and finger paintings, but school typically doesn’t afford them the opportunity to move creatively. Young children need to be able to express their creativity outside of cookie-cutter craft projects, and dance allows them to exercise that part of their brain in a new, exciting way.
Sign Up For Dance Classes At Our Dance Studio In Rockville Centre
Looking for an extracurricular activity to sign your child up for during the school year? Check out our dance classes online, and sign up at Miss Colleen’s Elite Dancentre in Rockville Centre today!