Dance Bag Essentials

Moms already have their hands full with remembering school projects, when band practice starts, what they’re going to cook for dinner, and working a full-time job—but a dance mom is the ultimate multi-tasker. In addition to the typical mom-duties, dance moms also need to keep up with the demands of their kids’ dance classes and schedules. A challenging task to say the least. If you’ve recently changed your title from ‘Mom’ to ‘dance Mom,’ you’ve probably wondered how in the world do these other moms keep it all together? The answer is simple—stay organized.
Miss Colleen’s Elite Dancentre is Rockville’s leading dance studio for kids. We offer over 100 dance classes per week; we can relate to life feeling a little chaotic from time to time, and the importance of staying organized. In today’s article, we’ve put together a list of all of the essentials that are needed for every dancer’s bag. Whether you’re a new dance-mom or a veteran, a helpful list to check-off before every dance practice, is much appreciated. Continue reading so you can learn more, and be sure to visit our site and register for Rockville dance classes at Miss Colleen’s Elite Dancentre.
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!
You’d be surprised how many kids forget their dance shoes but remembered everything else. Dance shoes should be among the very first items to get packed into the dance bag. A good habit to get into early-on is placing the shoes directly into the bag once practice is over. Don’t let your child walk to the car with their dance shoes on still on their feet. Instead, take a few extra minutes and have them swap shoes, place them inside the bag, and don’t remove them until next practice. Do you still have last season’s dance shoes? If so, leave those in the bag as an emergency pair.
For the kids that take more than one type of dance class, they may think it’s a good idea to leave their tap shoes at home while they are attending ballet class. We discourage this because once shoes leave a bag, they are often forgotten.
Hair Accessories
We are familiar with the reality of trying to do your child’s hair, before leaving the house for dance classes. It rarely happens. Pack a lot of extra hair accessories in your dance bag like:
- Ponytail holders
- Travel-sized brushes and combs
- Bobby-pins
- Hairspray
- Headbands
For those moms that are new to the dance life, blisters happen very often. Not to mention, they hurt. Nothing is worse than seeing your child in pain because of a blister, and there isn’t anything you can do. Be their hero by being prepared! Pack a box of durable band-aids in the dance bag so you can quickly protect them from the discomfort of where their shoes are rubbing, and prevent additional blisters from developing.
Snacks and Drinks
Pack a water bottle in their bag so they will stay hydrated throughout class just as you would pack for soccer practice! Are you planning on being at dance class for a while? Pack a couple of light snacks like fruit snacks, granola bars, or bananas to keep their energy levels up and preventing a crash mid-way through dance class.
Extra Pair of Clothes
Packing an extra pair of pants and a light jacket in a dance bag has probably come in handy more times than not. Sometimes the dance studio might feel chilly as dancers are warming up and your tiny dancer might want to zip up during a class. You never really know why, when or how packing extra clothes will keep you prepared, but it is still a good thing to have on hand!
Now that you’re prepared for a successful start to dance classes, it’s time to enroll! Miss Colleen’s Elite Dancentre in Rockville is accepting registration forms now! Visit our site to learn about our dance classes for kids including tap, hip-hop, ballet, jazz, and more! Contact our Rockville dance studio today!